Melody's Echo Chamber / Bon Voyage LP 180gram Vinyl
Melody's Echo Chamber 'Bon Voyage' LP 180gram Vinyl
Made up of seven expansive tracks, Bon Voyage marries Melody’s breathless soprano to the wildest sonic excursions, always pinned to an emphatic, clattering groove as she delivers her fables of spiritual search and emotional healing in multiple tongues (French, English and Swedish).
Bon Voyage is a collaborative record between Prochet and Dungen’s Reine Fiske and The Amazing’s Fredrik Swahn with Melody sculpting and producing the sessions as well as encouraging the players around her to experiment, often with instruments that might be less familiar to them. It also features special guests Gustav Esjtes and Johan Holmegaard (both from Dungen) and Nicholas Allbrook (Pond).
A1 Cross My Heart
A2 Breathe In, Breathe Out
A3 Desert Horse
A4 Var Har Du Vart?
B1 Quand Les Larmes D'un Ange Font Danser La Neige
B2 Visions Of Someone Special, On A Wall Of Reflections
B3 Shirim