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Ausmuteants / ... Present The World In Handcuffs 12" Vinyl

Regular price $35.00
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It’s been quite some time since the world last heard from Ausmuteants, they’ve been busy with more important things in life but the band is back with their silliest output yet. Ausmuteants are proud to present The World In Handcuffs, out April 26th this year on Anti Fade Records. 

Differing to previous Ausmuteants records, The World In Handcuffs was written (and narrated) entirely by guitarist Shaun Connor, as a concept album that explores a piss-take look on life from the perspective of a police officer. 

“Shaun joined this band cause he's into punk for some dumb reason that I don't understand. They've gone on all sorts of time-consuming tours, and Shaun just comes back broke and useless. They're always playing these loud shows that make sure Shaun is taken away from me for the night. We were walking around in Berlin once on holiday after tour, when Shaun and I were meant to enjoy some quality vacation time together. Some dude hit him up like "Hey man, do you play in Ausmuteants?" which was so embarassing. Ugh. Shaun looked pleased with himself, the worm. I'm pretty sure their most popular song is about jacking off, which probably tells you all you need to know about these idiots.” 

– Dom, the love of Shaun’s life. 

The record is split up into two sides that both include the exact same ten songs in different running orders – however, the A side features skits by Shaun in between songs and the B side doesn’t. So there’s a side for all occasions. 

“Ausmuteants … Present The World In Handcuffs” is out worldwide on Anti Fade Records from April 26th 2019.
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