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Alexander Gow / Dizzy Spell LP Deep Blue Vinyl

Regular price $85.95

Alexander Gow 'Dizzy Spell' LP Deep Blue Vinyl

National treasure goes solo. Total beauty ensues. Classically made pop music for interesting adults. Robert Foster and Leonard Cohen walk into a bar. The bar is owned by Father John Misty. This sort of vibe, but better. Arch lyricism, lush instrumentation, freedom from major labels. You can’t ignore that voice. Honestly, we tried.


A1 The Truth is Cruel
A2 In The Grip Of Something
A3 No More Never (For Now)
A4 Fall To Pieces
A5 What's What
A6 European Holiday

B1 Jesus Almost Got Me
B2 Easy Marriage
B3 Fly To Me Soon
B4 You're So Funny
B5 A Modest Proposal

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