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Hierophants / Spitting Out Moonlight 12" Vinyl

Regular price $30.00
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Lunatic moon! What did you give birth to? A blip, slipshod and shooting has rebooted. Just who are these Hierophants and where on earth have they been - If even on earth at all? 
They stopped by once before traversing verses and entered obscurity shortly after their 2015 release Parallax Error. As the stars would have it, again they have merged, conceiving their latest LP Spitting Out Moonlight on a hill in Rye and left with Mikey Young to make sense of it all. 

They are here to put lamps in your lobes where no other light goes. A synapse perhaps, nosing through nodes of those who know it is in their best interest - it is in your best interest - to surrender. Their release is nigh, so seek them now and decide for yourself, does it make you feel neurotic, neuronic, or even moronic? 

Quick! It is only a short stopover, a glitch visiting and phasing in, out. Anti Fade! Thy saviour of light! Oh, yes, it is very moonee, very moonee indeed.
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