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Ausmuteants / Band Of The Future CD

Regular price $15.00

Band Of The Future is Ausmuteants 3rd or 4th LP depending how you
count it. I like to count it as their 4th and probably their best to date.

Ausmuteants are not the band of the future or the past. The title is
merely hocking a gollie on the way bands are hyped and perceived in
street press and social media. Ausmuteants are just a band. Not punk,
new wave, hardcore, boogie, darkwave, oi, hyphenate-rock or pet rock.
Not sharpies. Not chavs. Not drug users and not straight edge. 

Ausmuteants are just regular dudes practising the sound of things falling apart. 

Tracking List 
01. Silent Genes 
02. I Hate You 
03. New Planet 
04. Costal Living
05. Cross Eyes 
06. Spankwire 
07. Music Writers 
08. Band Of The Future 
09. Mr Right 
10. Come Home With Me
11. Liars 
12. Stuck 
13. Struck By Lightening 
14. Calculations 



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