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Ausmuteants / Amusements CD

Regular price $20.00

First proper LP by Melbourne/Geelong four piece - Jake, Billy, Marc and Shaun - some of who play in Living Eyes, Frowning Clouds, Leather Towel, Bonniwells, Heirophants and a few more. By far and away the best thing they've done, a great realisation of the bedroom synthpunk, '60s punk and new-wave noise they've been tooling around with over the last couple of years. You might even say they've matured until you hear the absurdly juvenile lyrics - enough teen snot to keep Rabelais happy. Twelve songs of killer synth-driven punk.

LP out in the USA on Goner Records
CD released on Agitated Records in the UK
No extra tracks, no lenticular trading cards, some t-shirt transfers

Bad Day
Daylight Robbery
No Motivation
Hate This Town
Pissing In Two Streams
Kicked In The Head By a Horse 
Stepped In Shit
Flushing Problems
Inducing Instinct
Pissed Myself Twice
Fran Drescher's Alien Abduction
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